Nothing beats a strong first impression!

By making the interaction between the guests and your survey both entertaining and sensational, the probability for getting the insights needed.
The Survey Robot from Furhat is a social robot stemming from years of scientific research. It asks the questions for you, and makes your visitors line up to take your survey.
It is powered by AI, easy to configure with your own material – and very reliable.

Why do you need a survey robot for your venue?

  • Increases engagement
  • Entertaining
  • 24/7 operation
  • Multi-language

Let us tell you about one of the most successful robot use cases in history

  • 22,000+ responses
  • Operating 24/7
  • Cost per response -72%
  • Reporting in real-time

NEOM is a futuristic, state of the art, urban project planned to be built in a northwestern province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In order to present NEOM there is an open exhibition in the capital city Riyadh, with visitors coming from all over the world. An important part – and challenge – of the exhibition is to gather feedback from visitors, as the project is still evolving.

In collaboration with NEOM, Furhat had the honor to place a robot at the venue, programmed with our latest application – The Survey Skill. This resulted in the most successful robot use case in history, with over 20,000 interactions and very impressive metrics from a survey perspective.

Concept specific features

  1. Back projected face, fully customizable with faces and gestures to represent your brand
  2. Camera to detect shoppers and trigger new conversations, as well as scanning of QR codes
  3. Speakers, through which the robot can speak with a voice and language of your choice
  4. Information display to show recommendations and additional information

How can we help?

Contact us to learn about what social robots can do for surveys!

More inspiration

Curious to learn more? Explore our social robotics blog for further reading