Multilingual robot assistant

Deutsche Bahn

Furhat is helping Deutsche Bahn develop the next generation of traveller services

The challenge

At most airports and stations today, human customer service agents have been replaced with signs and touchscreens that display limited information in only one or two languages, with the assumption that all travelers are able to read and know how to use these tools.

The solution

DB systel, the innovation arm of DB, has together with Furhat developed a more human, intuitive travel assistant that can answer questions related to departure times, delays, directions to gates, facilities etc, in multiple languages!

The result

DB’s concierge robot, after being initially showcased at Frankfurt Airport, is now being piloted in several places in Germany and has also been piloted in Japan in collaboration with the East Japan Railway Company.

”At DB Systel, our aim is to develop the next generation of traveller services and in Furhat, we have a partner at the cutting edge of robotics.”

Dr. Kais Samkari
DB Systel